Bolsas de Pós-Doutorado na FEEC
SMARTNESS is a joint research center formed by Unicamp, USP and UFScar, among other associated universities. Funded by Ericsson and FAPESP, SMARTNESS aims at conducting cutting-edge research on computer networks and digital application services focusing on the evolution of networking and services towards 2030. Learn more about SMARTNESS:
The fellowship will be granted by the PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF LARGE THEMATIC RESEARCH CENTERS – POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN RESEARCH MANAGEMENT (PPDG), from the Research Provost’s Office at UNICAMP, According to Call for Applications 002-2024 (
The research to be developed by the fellow must be consistent with the Executive Management objectives of SMARTNESS Center and be contextualized within the theme of Meta-Research — an emerging field in the academic context — encompassing the study of the principles, guidelines, strategies, configurations, and practices employed to manage research projects embedded in different institutional arrangements, aiming to meet the needs of the Centers. Besides that, the selected candidate will carry out and supervise all management and administrative tasks necessary for the operation of the Center.
The proposals and appeals submitted under this Call for Applications will be reviewed by a Committee appointed by the Research Provost’s Office, composed of faculty members or researchers from the University, under technical criteria and potential conflicts of interest.
The gross monthly amount of the fellowship will be R$11,258.54 (eleven thousand, two hundred and fifty-eight reais and fifty-four cents), which, after income tax deduction, will result in a net amount of R$9,047.40 (nine thousand and forty-seven reais and forty cents).
Desired but not exclusive skills:
To succeed in this position, you are expected to have: Strong motivation; PhD in engineering, computer engineering, or related fields; and skills in project and research management.
Application deadline: October 31st, 2024
Location: Campinas
Funding: PRP – UNICAMP
Starting Date: December, 2024
Advisor: Prof. Christian Rothenberg
Good References:
– How to apply: Interested candidates should send their application by the deadline per Email with the subject “Post-doc application: SMARTNESS EM” to
– Selection process: Selection of candidates will be based on the motivation letter, curriculum vitae with the list of publications, training / experience, and the copy of the University Degree certificate. An online interview will be conducted with the selected candidates.
SMARTNESS is a joint research center formed by Unicamp, USP, and UFScar, among other associated universities. Funded by Ericsson and FAPESP, SMARTNESS aims at conducting cutting-edge research on computer networks and digital application services focusing on the evolution of networking and services towards 2030. Learn more about SMARTNESS:
The fellowship will be granted by the PROGRAM FOR SUPPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT OF LARGE THEMATIC RESEARCH CENTERS – POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN RESEARCH MANAGEMENT (PPDG), from the Research Provost’s Office at UNICAMP, According to Call for Applications 002-2024 (
The research to be developed by the fellow must be consistent with the Education Management and Knowledge Dissemination objectives of SMARTNESS Center and be contextualized within the theme of Meta-Research — an emerging field in the academic context — encompassing the study of the principles, guidelines, strategies, configurations, and practices employed to manage research projects embedded in different institutional arrangements, aiming to meet the needs of the Centers.
The proposals and appeals submitted under this Call for Applications will be reviewed by a Committee appointed by the Research Provost’s Office, composed of faculty members or researchers from the University, under technical criteria and potential conflicts of interest.
The gross monthly amount of the fellowship will be R$11,258.54 (eleven thousand, two hundred and fifty-eight reais and fifty-four cents), which, after income tax deduction, will result in a net amount of R$9,047.40 (nine thousand and forty-seven reais and forty cents).
Desired but not exclusive skills:
To succeed in this position, you are expected to have: Strong motivation; PhD in engineering, computer engineering, or related fields; skills in project and research management, and education knowledge dissemination.
Application deadline: October 31st, 2024
Location: Campinas
Funding: PRP – UNICAMP
Starting Date: December, 2024
Advisor: Prof. Luiz Bittencourt
Good References:
– How to apply: Interested candidates should send their application by the deadline per Email with the subject “Post-doc application: SMARTNESS EDK” to
– Selection process: Selection of candidates will be based on the motivation letter, curriculum vitae with the list of publications, training / experience, and the copy of the University Degree certificate. An online interview will be conducted with the selected candidates.
O Centro de Ciência para o Desenvolvimento Tecnologia Assistiva e Acessibilidade em Libras (CCD-TAAL) busca interessados em desenvolver teses de doutorado e dissertações de mestrado com bolsa FAPESP.
O CCD-TAAL é uma articulação de caráter multidisciplinar envolvendo pesquisadores da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) e Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), em parceria com a Secretaria de Estado dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência (SEDPcD – SP). O Centro busca avançar no desenvolvimento de soluções que reduzam as barreiras de comunicação entre a comunidade surda e a ouvinte. O CCD-TAAL se propõe a enfrentar esse desafio focando no desenvolvimento de abordagens para a tradução automática da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras) para português, e vice-versa, explorando modernas técnicas de aprendizado de máquina baseadas em redes neurais profundas.
Os trabalhos serão desenvolvidos sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. José Mario De Martino, da Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação (FEEC/UNICAMP), e/ou do Prof. Dr. Hélio Pedrini do Instituto de Computação (IC/FEEC), dependendo do tema do trabalho a ser realizado.
Para se candidatar a uma bolsa, o interessado deve participar do processo seletivo do programa de pós-graduação da FEEC ( e do IC (
Busca-se candidatos com conhecimento e interesse em pelo menos uma das seguintes áreas:
- Aprendizado de máquina, com ênfase em redes neurais;
- Processamento de Linguagem Natural;
- Tradução Automática;
- Reconhecimento de imagem/vídeo;
- Desenvolvimento de avatares realistas.
Para informações adicionais, entrar em contato pelo email
We are seeking candidates for a post-doctoral fellowship position for 12 months, renewable for 12 more months, to work in the recently created SMARTNESS FAPESP Engineering Research Center (ERC) <>.
SMARTNESS is a joint research center formed by Unicamp, USP, and UFScar, among other associate universities. Funded by Ericsson and FAPESP, SMARTNESS aims at conducting cutting-edge research on computer networks and digital application services focusing on the evolution of networking and services towards 2030.
We seek candidates for this post-doctoral position with background on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to conduct research focusing on integrating UAV controls and edge computing in 5G/6G scenarios. We are interested in solving problems related to UAVs routing and route optimization, collision avoidance, and take-off and landing control. The selected researcher will be responsible for conducting research using simulation tools, implementing algorithmic solutions, and performing statistical analyses of several different drone management approaches. Moreover, the researcher will need to be able to understand and develop solutions considering the networking aspects of drone communication systems and base stations and implement drone control and resource management mechanisms that consider machine learning techniques. The candidate will work under the supervision of Dr. Luiz Bittencourt in the scope of the Distributed Edge Computing Swarm Intelligence (DEMIST) research strand (<>) within the SMARTNESS research center.
To succeed in this position, you are expected to have:
* Strong motivation.
* PhD in computer science, computer engineering, or related fields
* Excellent skills in common computer programming languages (e.g., Java, C/C++,
* Research experience with UAVs and simulation tools
* Knowledge and/or research experience in machine learning techniques
* Experience in researching with grad/undergrad students after the PhD
*** How to apply ***
Interested candidates should fill out the online form
until October 15th, 2024
*** Selection process ***
Selection of candidates will be based on their motivation, curriculum vitae with the list of publications, training, and experience, and a copy of the University Degree certificate. There will be an interview with the finalists which will take place via videoconference.
*** Additional Information ***
Eligibility Criteria: Ph.D. in Computer Science or related areas. The opportunity is open to Brazilians and foreigners. The gross monthly amount of the fellowship will be R$11,258.54 (eleven thousand, two hundred and fifty-eight reais and fifty-four cents), which, after income tax deduction, will result in a net amount of R$9,047.40 (nine thousand and forty-seven reais and forty cents).
Desired but not exclusive skills:
To succeed in this position, you are expected to have: Strong motivation; PhD in engineering, computer engineering, or related fields; and skills in project and research management.
Application deadline: and an additional 10% for research expenses. For more details, check out Fapesp’s webpage
Luiz Bittencourt, Institute of Computing
University of Campinas
We invite applications for a postdoctoral position in Multimodal Signal Processing and Embodied AI, offering an exceptional opportunity to contribute to transformative research that bridges sensory data integration and real-world understanding in intelligent agents. At H.IAAC, you will be at the forefront of exploring how multimodal signals and causal reasoning can revolutionize the development of embodied agents capable of sophisticated interactions with their environments.
For more information: