Jose Pissolato Filho
DSE, Energia Elétrica
JOSÉ PISSOLATO FILHO is a Professor at FEEC – School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UNICAMP – University of Campinas. He works in the field of Electrical Engineering, carrying out research in the following areas: power systems and techniques in high voltage; computational modeling of transmission lines for the study of electromagnetic phenomena; transients in power systems, ATP-EMTP, insulation coordination; atmospheric discharges, electromagnetic compatibility, among others. He is a IEEE Senior Member. He is the coordinator of the High Voltage Laboratory of FEEC since 1988, conducting research, technological development, and teaching activities and providing services to businesses and the community. He has supervised several MSc, Ph.D. and post-doc students, having published over 300 technical papers, with about 50 of them in international journals. He completed a postdoctoral program at the University of Nottingham – UK during the year 2016. He coordinates research projects funded by agencies or companies. He is the Brazilian Scientific Director of the LIA: Laboratoire International Associé Franco Brésilien – Energie & Environnement, created by the French government, to structure collaborations between research teams and laboratories in France with partners from other countries with whom it already carries out some kind of joint work. He is the coordinator, at UNICAMP, of INESC Brasil Network, a cooperation network in research, development and technology transfer, formed by a group of Brazilian Universities, by INESC P & D Brasil, a Brazilian ICT, and INESC TEC, an Associate Laboratory of the Portuguese State. He is the coordinator of the double degree at UNICAMP with the following institutions: Central Schools, ParisTech Group and SUPELEC in France and Politecnico di Milano in Italy. In 2012 he has been named Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques by the French Minister of National Education. He was Advisor to the UNICAMP International Relations from 08/2009 to 05/2014. He received the Bs. degree from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1977), the Ms. degree from UNICAMP (1982) and the Ph.D. degree from the Paul Sabatier University-Toulouse III, France (1986), all of them in Electrical Engineering.